"Is that a darknet in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

"Is that a darknet in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

To follow up on the last few days of playing around with AIDE, RaspPI, Chumbys, batteries and networking in general….In your pocket many of you have devices that surpass the equipment our beloved revolutionary sweethearts ran on…more processing power, more bandwidth, more storage. And there it sits updating your social stream and asking every now and again if Angry Birds has new content…..and this device is often bouncing around your person often near enough to other such devices…near enough for local communications.

But they act like strangers, like all those happy little devices are not worth talking with, exchanging files with, passing along the news de jour, just letting each other know they are there for each other should the need arise……but they are often worth it. It might well be worth having your device talking to the device of the gal ridding in the same train car as you, your device's filters might find her device has a few bits your device does not already know about the upcoming Decemberist's show, or that her device has this kick ass Jayne Cobb hat knitting pattern you told your device to keep an eye out for, or that you have some spare CPU power to help her device work on some Folding@Home packets…..just for example.

Sure you will get your occasional asshole device looking to cookie monster up all the nom noms these devices often hold…but there are ways to tell such assholes to back the fuck away mister or you will in fact taze them..bro.

Which is all to say… hey…we are walking in a sea of potential each and every day and wouldn’t it be jim dandy cool if somehow potentia was turned on its ear to actuality?

Is this sort of thing being worked on? Where? If not why? Interesting  at all? Rasie em if you got interest. 

"Does anybody else in here
Feel the way I do?"

#mesh #darknets #distributed #mobile