Socialmon Go

In a span of days were so much has come to be that could cause us to feel dread and despair today's outing was a much needed refresher of humanity's better angels

Third day of PokemonGo 's release and our local park, shopping area and walking trails are filled with groups of players doing some thing wonderful. Over the course of two hours we talked, helped and wandered around with 20 or so strangers.

More organic than Ingress' grand project model this was just folks looking for specific pokemon, asking each other how this new game works, sharing resources, helping each other level up and waiting out server spasms with conversation.

And it was every where. My youngest and I got good at spotting fellow players …that particular gait of half walk half scan and spontaneous wonderment. We stopped and talked to everyone who were possible player and aside from one duo of hipper than thou 20somethings every one approached responded as comrades and compatriots.

Unlike Ingress there was no fierce urgency of the Big Picture, it was loose, casual and more friendly the I have seen games like this be at this stage of progress. I still likes me the Ingress but this game is so much easier to like and learn.

"Will it last?" is the question i hear. Eventually all games rise and fall and rise and fall. If the legacy of the Pokemon franchise added to Niantic's prowess in this type of game is any indication I would say it has the chance to last a good long time. At these launch day levels of amazement? What game has ever done that?

#pokemongo #pokemon #ingress