Author Archives: tomwsmf

Thin Devices How to increase profits? Lower costs and sell it like hotcakes. Easier said than done for a large chunk of the production industry but this site shows at least one company with the goods. DTC currently has a working model for a paper thin cell phone that can be used and rubishtized. Next […]

221 B Baker Street on the Decks Another day, another game has been reclaimed from the great entropy machine of time. This times its 221 B Baker Street, a game I hope to adopt so Heather can play soon. As always Opponents Wanted.

Old and New Games for the Grabbing Have you ever wanted to play Ancient Art of War, MULE, TacOps and a slew of other games that circulated on your computer over the last 30 or so years? If so head on over to The Underdog Games Site. Here you will find well over 1500 full […]

Warp War on the Decks Yes strategy game fever is taking hold. I just own an ebay auction for a copy of Warp War . This is the first ebay thing i have bid on in years, had to make a new account and everything. If things go well I should be able to play […]

FlashBack Philosophy Ive been spending the last few months reading and working thru the masses of mouths talking about/peddling/ushing various hazzanas to P2P. Seems to me its yet another hype fest set up by and for the same mouths that were feed by the hype of B2B, TheWeb, IntraNetworking, and going back to the 80’s..Expert […]