Revamped Piratebox…
–Now using Librarybox v2.0 ( . Very slick and very well thought out piece of  work it is. I am very much considering  using it as the base for my Anyfesto project. yep, time to rip  it down tothe nub and start with a base that is going to be easier to maintain. There is a RPi version floating around…so yeah maybe soon.  
–I ditched the  stack of rechargeables and am using  a 2500mAh lipo and  an +Adafruit Industries  Powerboost 500c ( .  There is a detachable  usb cable for charging when power is available.
–16gb usb  attached for the pleasure of the sharing public (some goodies included ).

Plans to make it better..
–The Powerboost has an option to add an on/off switch. This seems like a good idea.
–Look into what  packages are available for it. I think the LB project is using a subset of the old openwrt pkgs. 

#librarybox   #adafruit   #piratebox