Gifts That Keep Giving
Over the years I haven given computers and tablets and devices that we still call phones but are more palmtop computers than phone….and into these devices I try to pour a starter kit that hints at the vast treasure trove that resides around the Internet…and more importantly the links that will offer up ever more treasures.
So if you have a new device today or have given one, here is a quick set of links to go treasure hunting.

Open Cultures Big List of Books, Audiobooks, Movies and more.

Humble Bundle A regularly scheduled offering of books, games, comics and audiobooks for insanely low prices much of which goes to charity

Fdroid A repository of Free and Open Source Android Apps which lets you know if the app will leak privacy or tie you to pay service.

The Internet Archive. Think of this as the Library of Alexandria for books, music, podcadts, radio shows, movies, etc.

A Starters Guide To Security On Your Devices. Very helpful and very accessible to techs and non techs.

Please add more resources in the comments.

Santa left a new Kindle, iPad, Kindle Fire or other media player under your tree. He did his job. Now we’ll do ours. We’ll tell you how to fill those devices with free intelligent media — great books, movies, courses, and all of the rest. And if you didn’t get a new gadget, fear not.