Whats In A Nym

For many years I was HarryMudd….then I was tomwhore….then time went on and now someone else is tomwhore. You would think with a name like tomwhore I would have very little worry about other folks using it, that the name itself was a snowflake to  represent lil ol me.

Forgetting the essential lessons of snowflakes and being an all dancing all singing space monkey of the world you would think i would have not fallen into this. Bzzzt. After a decade or so I  lulled myself into thinking the name was mine for keepsie. So when I bumped into a youtube page run by tomwhore, well imagine my pink face surprise. 

So the thought enters, not wanting to be one of many how do I proceed. Do I rage against my cheerios and fight the youngling to a battle of tomwhore dominance or do I reinvent  myself yet again and let the old name be the mulch of other endeavors.  

I pondered on that some….wallowed a bit in the pools of aging…visited the winding river of the past….sat with the buddha of the bits and smiled as his friend  basho went upside my head with the stark stick of the present…
and so tomwhore, that tomwhore that was me then…is dead
(cue dance music)
He lived a long and happy life on the intertubes and he has gone on to the great reuse recycle event loop …
As I once had as my  sig as tomwhore…. 'The net is my nation, Mindvox is my dwelling place and heaven my expectation"